A Message to Supporters of LGBTQ+ Members of Our Community
The City of Duvall will soon vote on two policies whose passage or defeat will determine how Duvall treats our LGBTQ+ community. You can help by emailing the city.
The Council’s decisions will determine:
- How public rights-of-way may be used for free expression that affirms inclusivity; and
- Whether Duvall will install public art that recognizes and supports our LGBTQ+ community.
I hope you’ll contact our mayor and each council member. Ask them to create policies that support our LGBTQ+ community. You’ll find a sample message and contact information at the bottom of this email.
- Of the general population, LGBTQ+ people are among those most singled out as targets for extreme, hate-based threats and physical attacks, both of which are on the upswing. In acknowledgment of the struggle for legitimacy by LGBTQ+ members of our community, it’s critical to let them know they are seen, welcome, respected, and safe in Duvall.
- The City’s recent removal of our Pride Wall and other pro-LGBTQ+ messaging undermines Duvall’s progress toward inclusivity, and reinforces the highly damaging message that LGBTQ+ people should be invisible.
- We need more, not less, dialogue about LGBTQ+ issues. Public art and free expression support such dialogue, increasing public understanding and compassion.
- Email our mayor and city council members individually in order to hold them each responsible for their vote. Please do this as soon as you can, since time is critical.
- Let them know you stand in favor of using public rights-of-way for free expression, with the exception of hate-based messages that go against the grain of inclusivity.
- Indicate you want Duvall to install public art that explicitly supports the LGBTQ+ community.
- Ask them to let you know how they intend to vote on the two issues above. Again, it is important that you contact the mayor and each council member individually, to hold them each responsible for their vote.
- Once you’ve sent your emails, please let me know so I can track our efforts.
- Pass this message along to anyone you think might want to join this effort.
It’s most effective to personalize your message with your own thoughts and words. But feel free to copy and paste part or all of this sample email:
Dear Council Member ___________ [or “Mayor Ockerlander”],
I urge you to pass policies that allow free speech on city rights-of-way, and to vote to install public art that explicitly supports LGBTQ+ members of our community. The city’s recent dismantling of the Rainbow Wall, and its elimination of free speech on public property, undermine Duvall’s commitment to inclusivity, and are of particular harm to our LGBTQ+ residents.
LGBTQ+ people have historically been primary targets of hate-based threats and physical attacks, both of which are on the upswing. It is critical that our city makes sure that LGBTQ+ members of our community feel seen, welcome, respected, and safe in Duvall. Public art that celebrates LGBTQ+ people, and free speech that is not hate-based, can go a long way toward that end.
As soon as possible, please let me know your position on these crucial matters, as well as how you will vote to implement them.
Thank you.
[your name]
(Phone numbers are included in case you prefer calling to email)
Mayor Amy Ockerlander amy.ockerlander@duvallwa.gov (206) 305-8258
Council Member John Isaacson john.isaacson@duvallwa.gov (206) 305-8253
Council Member Rick Shaffer rick.shaffer@duvallwa.gov (425) 470-9687
Council Member Amy McHenry amy.mchenry@duvallwa.gov (425) 419-6105
Council Member Ronn Mercer ronn.mercer@duvallwa.gov (206) 775-9721
Council Member Mike Supple mike.supple@duvallwa.gov (206) 305-8257
Council Member Jennifer Knaplund jennifer.knaplund@duvallwa.gov (425) 419-6749
Council Member Corey Lovett corey.lovett@duvallwa.gov (206) 305-8259
Thanks for taking the time to make Duvall a better place for us all!
Marc Hoffman
Duvall resident since 2014
PS: If you’d like to be removed from my email list, please email me at dartfrogmedia@gmail.com.